Close to death

Deze vlinder (Kaasjeskruiddikkopje – Carcharodus alceae) had veel geluk en ontkwam aan de aanval van de krabspin. Krabspinnen bouwen geen web om hun prooi te vangen, maar verschuilen zich in/op bloemen en wachten tot een insect de bloem bezoekt.  Pas dan komen ze in actie.
Door hun camouflagetechnieken vallen deze spinnen nauwelijks/niet op voor andere insecten.

26 thoughts on “Close to death

  1. Mike says:

    That crab spider really does blend in well. I would\'ve never seen it if you didn\'t mention it in the description. Nice find.

  2. don says:

    What a fine close up of this close call! I like the sharp detail and your picture illustrates how invisible the spider can be too. Well done.

  3. alex says:

    Great detailled shot. Love the bokeh in the background and the light is fantastic.

  4. LightningPaul says:

    Beautiful shot. One point for improvement: the colors of the butterfly is not contrasting enough with the background. Though I would not be able to capture something like this myself. Very well done!

  5. Framed and Shot says:

    Amazing! This is really a two in one!
    excellent close up, must have been taken in just the right second – the spider is almost touching him!
    great job!

  6. Phototherapy says:

    I found the image wonderful. I read the title, and then read the description, and just saw the spider
    It\'s a long journey in your image, Excellent !

  7. Doum says:

    WOW! That is an excellent shot, with excellent story and excellent result. The background was fine art.

  8. Ilan says:

    Superb frame! Amazing work, very well done.
    I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! :)


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